
With this trip coming up sooner and sooner, every day has started to feel like a Friday – an extended Friday as a prelude to a very extended weekend… I was able to hit one day of the Banff Outdoor Film Festival when it came through town this weekend. It’s an amazing collection of unbelievably…

Deadlines and endpoints

Some random thoughts about hiking today – It recently occurred to me that, in order to make the mileage I’ll need to finish the trail before the snows, I’ll probably need to wake up at the crack of dawn… EVERY DAY. (The butt-crack of dawn. Sunrises are over-rated.) And although part of my reasons for doing this hike…

Why hike the PCT?

I first heard about the Pacific Crest Trail about 7 years ago, when I was standing on it. I was up from Arizona, visiting a friend in Hood River, Oregon, and we were hiking in the greenest place I had ever seen. I had had no idea that there could be so much water, everywhere. Lakes rivers…