Day 82
Miles: zero
Reno, NV
Jule follows behind as J and I crash through the grocery store, throwing item after item into the cart. “2 boxes of macaroons or 3?”
“How many bags of jerky, 6?”
“We’re definitely going to need more gummi bears, throw like 5 more of those in.”
“At what point are you guys going to buy, you know, REAL food?” Jule interrupts. We look down at our cart, filled with the beginning of 700 miles of resupply boxes.
“Maybe when we finish the PCT?” I reply. We haven’t changed what we eat that much from the start of our hike, aside from the addition of about 1000 extra calories a day in candy. Foods that have been removed from our food supply rotation include: quinoa (takes too long to cook), lentils (ditto), and oatmeal (disgusting). Every hiker box for the first thousand miles is full of quinoa, lentils, and oatmeal. There are no gummi bears in hiker boxes. Ever. Otherwise, we are still eating pasta/rice sides, mac’n’cheese, jerky, tortillas, tuna packets, chocolate bars, larabars, dried fruit and nuts, clif bars (less and less of those these days), crackers, chips, and cookies. We’re a little light on anything fresh.
We Price-is-Right each other at the cash register – J is closer, guessing $650, with the end total coming to $630. Ouch!
Back on trail tomorrow. My feet are still hurting like crazy, which is disappointing. I’m hoping a new pair of shoes will help. I’ll keep walking regardless, I guess.